
All the end time events:

All the END TIME STEPS in chronology

Brother Joseph explains the whole end time in a nutshell


Abomination of desolation:


This is abomination of desolation which will control the microchip 666


Aliens, UFO:

Don't miss! ALIENS & UFO (demons) prophesied in the Bible! Can Christians be kidnapped

UFO - aliens (demons) soon coming to earth



SCRIPTURES on how to receive and to keep God's anointing!



The rise of the Antichrist, from where

The Antichrist come from Russia or Turkey... The scriptures!

Rise of the Antichrist, 7 years covenant, ENPI

As the Bible prophecies, Russia and EU is getting closer into one block

The rise of the Antichrist when & from where. The 10 nations following him

Why Obama cannot be the final Antichrist

Dan 7 and Rev 17, 7 heads, who are the 10 horns, where is the antichrist rising from

Egypt, a key role for the 7 years of the Antichrist

Is Obama the Antichrist?

Is the Muslim Mahdi, the Antichrist; where does he comes from

Russian invasion of Crimea, the rise of Magog and Antichrist!

The future rise of the Antichrist! Prepare to leave Europe!

The 10 horns, WEU, the divisions of the Club of Rome

The Antichrist, where he comes from and which nations follow him

The coming NWO in the Bible

Who's the 7 head beast & what are the 7 heads, Rev 17

The New World Order in the Bible



The battle of Armageddon

Revealed! The key to the mystery of the 1335 days! (Dan 12:11,12)

Russia - Iran uniting politically, Israel will be invaded, as prophesied

We're not appointed to WRATH because that is Armageddon for the Antichrist



Apologies to atheists

How do you know that your religion is not a lie for fools?

If God is love, why does He make souls suffer in hell?

Many churches contradict each other. Which would be the right one?

Who created evil!

You have your truth, why can't I have mine?


Authority over the devil:

How to overcome the night attacks of the devil



Who is Babylon, Israel, Catholic church, or who

Who is Babylon

The Marriage of the lamb, the Wrath of God and the destruction of Babylon



The wars of the Quran versus the ones of the Bible

There is a famine in the world for the word of God!

Tips on how to memorize Bible scriptures. Why and how!

True and false religions, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,etc.

What are the basic doctrines of a believer. How can we tell the truth?


Book of Revelation explained:

Revelation chapter 1

Revelation chapter 2

Revelation chapter 3

Prophetic message of the 7 churches of Revelation

The seven churches of Revelation

Revelation chapter 4

Revelation chapter 5

Revelation chapter 6

Revelation chapter 7

Revelation chapter 8

Revelation chapter 9

Revelation chapter 10

Revelation chapter 11, part 1

Revelation chapter 11, part 2

Revelation chapter 12, part 1

Revelation chapter 12, part 2

Revelation chapter 13

Revelation chapter 14

Revelation chapter 15

Revelation chapter 16

Revelation chapter 17 and 18, part 1

Revelation chapter 17 and 18, part 2

Revelation chapter 19

Revelation chapter 20

Revelation chapter 21


Bride of Christ:

By My side - encouragement to the bride of Christ

How to become a full heart disciple of Jesus

Am I part of the bride of Christ, who decides, me or God...

Are all the Christians the Bride?

The Marriage of the lamb, the Wrath of God and the destruction of Babylon

The bride of Christ, who will rule with a rode of iron, will be kind of a dictator?

The New heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem

How to be the bride of Christ part 1

How to be the bride of Christ part 2

Message to the Bride of Christ

Oh God, create in me a clean heart... Psa 51 10

The eternal true church, BRIDE of Christ has started, are you part of it

We are called to be an End Time church of pastors and leaders for Jesus



How to homeschool your children and why


Churches and denominations:

The UN attacking Catholic pedophiles The failures of protestants and evangelicals

US Charismatics going with Pope toward ONE WORLD RELIGION

CONSPIRACY by the Christian PROPHETS (the gap)

Scandal concerning the words of a nun on TV, 'Mary was not a virgin!'

The message of the Sleeping Beauty

The secret of success of those who love the Lord in facts and not only in the surface religionism

Warn them, the destruction is coming

Many churches contradict each other. Which would be the right one?

You have your truth, why can't I have mine?


Churches as in the Bible:

The victory of the united church, rights and duties

Vision of the thousands churches

With whom can you work together.... Which brethren you should help and which no

SCRIPTURES on true unity and personal relationship with Jesus!


Communion with bread and wine:

Can we take communion in our houses or not



SCRIPTURES on how to receive comfort from the Lord!


Daniel’s prophecies from the Bible:

Daniel chapter 2

Dan 7 and Rev 17, 7 heads, who are the 10 horns, where is the antichrist rising from

Dan chapt 7, world empires

Revealed! The key to the mystery of the 1335 days! (Dan 12:11,12)

Rapture timing revealed in Dan 12, after the Great Tribulation

Resume 69 weeks, from Dan 9

The 70 WEEKS of Daniel

Who's the 7 head beast & what are the 7 heads, Rev 17

How long it will take for the Temple to be rebuilt Dan 8-13,14?



How to become a full heart disciple of Jesus

The true disciple

Can we be disciples today

Are we disciples or just religious?

Do God's will without oposition

Evangelizing with success, reaching the leaders

Spiritual strike; Lets fight for Christ

The secret of success of those who love the Lord in facts and not only in the surface religionism

Tips on how to memorize Bible scriptures. Why and how!

We are called to be an End Time church of pastors and leaders for Jesus

When God puts us to the test and tries us

12 SCRIPTURES on HOW to be separated from the world!

SCRIPTURES on how to receive and to keep God's anointing!



How to evangelize the right way

How to evangelize, talk show with brother Joseph

How to evangelize when you dont have permission

How to evangelize, right and wrong stategies

Evangelizing with success, reaching the leaders

Active Christians, best to operate openly or underground


The only way to evangelize and win the Muslims to Jesus

Conversion of a muslim girl! How to evangelize muslims!

We are called to be an End Time church of pastors and leaders for Jesus


Earth shape:

Is planet earth a globe or flat


False prophet:

The last pope. Rise of the Antichrist and the false prophet.

Who's the 'Christian' looking False prophet, second beast of Rev. 13

The Antichrist and the false prophet



Biblical fast, the Jesus way or the Pharisee's way...



After forgiving, is it a sin to avoid that person...


Financial crisis:

Where is the financial crisis leading to

How to overcome financial problems

Financial crisis will lead to microchip,Mark-666,NOW

How to prepare for End Time with debts stopping you

Where are we now in the prophetic end time?


Hearing God’s voice:

Hearing from the Lord

How to hear God's voice in this end time

The secret to listen to HIS voice!



Are souls in hell burning forever

No soul burns in hell forever. Here are the scriptures!

Souls don't burn in hell forever contrarily to Satanists complaints that God is unmerciful

If God is love, why does He make souls suffer in hell?


Healing and deliverance:

Deliverance and healing


Holy Spirit:

You can be baptized in the Holy Spirit today!

Free yourself from condemnation and receiving the Holy Spirit

Is speaking in tongues needed to have the Holy Spirit

Miraculous healing starts in your thoughts and words

Tongues and the Holy Spirit. US sanctions against Putin

Will the Holy Spirit be taken away after the Rapture?




Oh God, create in me a clean heart... Psa 51 10



Israel surrounded. Is God protecting Israel

Khamenei, we annihilate Israel and then Islam will conquer the world

Manifestation in Rome about UNESCO resolution against the wailing wall

Matthew 24 for the Jews only? Impossible, read the scriptures!

Miracle! God shields Israel from Hamas missiles, prophecy for the end time

Nigeria learn from Israel now how to deal with terrorism and other world news

Russia - Iran uniting politically, Israel will be invaded, as prophesied


Living by faith:

How to live by faith in this end time

How to live by faith made easy


Marriage and family:

A wife with a double life, is forgiveness possible?

How to lead a healthy marriage

An unbeliever spouse, a yoke not for you!

Can a Christian marry a Muslim?

Counsel for marriages between believers

Is there equality between husband and wife?

What to do when those around us hinder our faith


Mark of the beast, 666:

Financial crisis will lead to microchip,Mark-666,NOW

The microchip

How to overcome the coming persecutions & microchip 666

News-biometrics in Brazil, how to find the right refuge

People receiving the microchip now, will they go to hell

This is abomination of desolation which will control the microchip 666

Under skin chip, this is how to live with your body connected

What is the mark of the beast?

When will the mark of the beast be made mandatory?

The Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast



Conversion of a muslim girl! How to evangelize muslims!

The wars of the Quran versus the ones of the Bible

The rise of the AC when & from where. The 10 nations following him

Is the Muslim Mahdi, the Antichrist; where does he comes from?

ISIS persecutes Iraqi Christians, and other world news

Islamic persecution overcome by the victorious church

Khamenei, we annihilate Israel and then Islam will conquer the world

Muslims taking over Europe, lessons from Judges 2 and 10

End time preparation and how to evangelize Muslims

World news, ISIS trying to take over the world

Can a Christian marry a Muslim?

The only way to evangelize and win the Muslims to Jesus


New Earth:

The New heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem

The 2 different judgments, of Christians and unbelievers, the 2 books



Is Obama the Antichrist?

Why Obama cannot be the final Antichrist


Our mission:

Can somebody be part of our church at distance

Brother Joseph and his wife's story and testimony

How to be part of our fellowship

How to join our fellowship, being at a distance


The Pope:

US Charismatics going with Pope toward ONE WORLD RELIGION

How does Pope Francis fulfill end time prophecies. Don't miss!

Pope Benedict XVI calling for NOW

The last pope. Rise of the Antichrist and the false prophet.

The Pope in Sweden is asking forgiveness for excommunicating Luther

The Pope doesn't judge the homosexuals. Is it right?



Active Christians, best to operate openly or underground

How to overcome the coming persecutions & microchip 666

How to react when we are persecuted

ISIS persecutes Iraqi Christians, and other world news

Islamic persecution overcome by the victorious church


World news prophetically explained, Iraqi Christians: 'We have been abandoned by the West'

World news, ISIS trying to take over the world

To our beloved Nigerian brethren persecuted, Eph 1, 13-16

China, Russia, India, Islamic countries, church overcoming



God knows in advance our choices, predestination or...


Preparation and protection during the end time:

Preparation for the End Time

Coming NWO, where and how to survive

End Time preparation, spiritual and practical counsel

Getting out of NWO areas, how much longer do we have Ezekiel 33:-5

Big wars are coming, counsels for the brethren who are remaining in Europe and the USA

God's protection only for the obedient church

Homeschooling and leaving the NWO areas

How to get out of the cities, practical tips

How to leave the NWO areas, detailed steps and counsel

How to prepare for End Time with debts stopping you

How to survive in the coming Tribulation, NWO & Microchip and how to receive all our needs


Moving from NWO areas, best to sell or rent properties

National disorders and chaos coming! How to prepare!

Need help to get out of (N.W.O.) USA-EU.... Our mission can help.

Russia uniting with other anti-USA countries. Preparation for the end time

The future rise of the Antichrist! Prepare to leave Europe!

Survival in the coming Great Tribulation

This is the overcoming church, are you in it?

Urgent, Prepare firearms in the coming NWO

What to do if you can’t get out of NWO areas

When is the right time to leave the US...

Why we need to get out of the NWO cities now!

How to live by faith made easy


Prophecies from Jesus:




Warn them, the destruction is coming


Rapture of the church:

The Rapture of the church and questions, part 1

The Rapture of the church and questions, part 2

Controversial questions and answers about the end time, secret rapture

How does Rev 3:10 apply to Tribulation and Rapture?


Matthew 24 for the Jews only? Impossible, read the scriptures!

Rapture timing revealed in Dan 12, after the Great Tribulation

Rev 14, chronology of Tribulation, Rapture and Armageddon

Jesus doesn't come as thief in the night for us

Secret Rapture... The same as Elijah running for fear of Jezebel

The exact Rapture timing revealed by the 7th trumpet

The timing of the RAPTURE in the saints reigning with Christ, Rev 20:4

To move out of the NWO areas for Jesus, it is not too difficult!

Urgent! Preparation for the End Time battle and Rapture!

We WILL know when the rapture is, as in the days of Noah!

Will the Holy Spirit be taken away after the Rapture?


Refuges during end time:

Is Israel a safe refuge for the end time? What about other nations?

Homeschooling and leaving the NWO areas

How to get out of the cities, practical tips

How to leave the NWO areas, detailed steps and counsel

Getting out of NWO areas, how much longer do we have Eze 33:1-5

Leaving NWO areas, which countries are safest What about Israel, part 1

Leaving NWO areas, which countries are safest What about Israel, part 2

Leaving the NWO areas... Choosing a country. Practical counsel!

End time preparation and how to evangelize Muslims

To move out of the NWO areas for Jesus, it is not too difficult!

What to do if you can’t get out of NWO areas



Russia's role in the end time

Russia uniting with other anti-USA countries. Preparation for the end time

Russia and EU is getting closer into one block

NATO at the door steps of Russia

The Antichrist comes from Russia or Turkey... The scriptures!

Russia - Iran uniting politically, Israel will be invaded, as prophesied

Russian invasion of Crimea, the rise of Magog and Antichrist!

Magog-Russia enlarging in Europe



Can we lose salvation?

The gospel of salvation preached to the dead

Are pre-tribulation believers saved

Where does our soul go the moment we die?


Signs of the times:

ESM, the new EU financial dictatorship

Proofs that we are in the end time

Russia and EU is getting closer into one block

Government preparing to arrest Christians

How can we know for sure that we are in the end time?

How does Pope Francis fulfill end time prophecies. Don`t miss!

Russia uniting with other anti-USA countries. Preparation for the end time

Russian invasion of Crimea, the rise of Magog and Antichrist!

Signs of the times in the sun, moon, stars, UFO, Israel

Signs of the times

Signs sun, moon, stars

Signs that we live in the End Time

Message about the earthquake in Amatrice, Italy

1. Protests in Chile-What is happening behind the scenes!

2. Chile and South America, the end time prophecies!

3. The ending of the prophecies about Chile and South America!


Speaking in tongues:

Is speaking in tongues needed to have the Holy Spirit

Tongues and the Holy Spirit. US sanctions against Putin



Brother Joseph and his wife's story and testimony

Bianca, 16 years old: My life is God

School testimony

Testimonies from the mission

Testimony of Andrea, psychiatrist, coming out of the New Age and world news



The law of tithing, is it still valid today?


The Great Tribulation:

Are we ready for the Great Tribulation

The breaking of the 7 years covenant

The Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast

Coming NWO, where and how to survive

Government preparing to arrest Christians

How to increase faith,hiding in Trib,Malaysia and India in the end time

How to survive in the coming Tribulation, NWO & Microchip and how to receive all our needs

Is the Great Tribulation the wrath of God?

Matthew 24 for the Jews only? Impossible, read the scriptures!

National disorders and chaos coming! How to prepare!

Survival in the coming Great Tribulation

The Tribulation, when does it start and how long is it...

Warn them, the destruction is coming


The Millenium:

How will the Millennium be?


The Temple in Jerusalem:

News - Dan 8:13-14, how long will the reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem take?

Trump president! and the new temple in Jerusalem!

Rebuilding of the temple from Dan 8, how long it lasts


The world:

How to overcome the devil's traps and deceits

Joseph's daughter asked, 'What if someone loves God and the world?'

True and false religions, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,etc.

Why nothing will work for you in this world, except Jesus


The wrath of God:

Is the Great Tribulation the wrath of God?

Revealed! The key to the mystery of the 1335 days! (Dan 12:11,12)

We're not appointed to WRATH because that is Armageddon for the Antichrist

The Marriage of the lamb, the Wrath of God and the destruction of Babylon

What is the darkness of Rev 6:12-17 and what to do


Trials and problems, how to overcome them:

Depressed, discouraged? This message is for you!

The crisis in our life are God s opportunity to work miracles

How to be overcomers even in afflictions!

Free yourself from condemnation and receiving the Holy Spirit

Loving with all your heart is the answer to every problem!

Obstacles and hindrances, from God or the devil?

We are troubled on every side.... yet not distressed!

When God puts us to the test and tries us




Since USA departed from God has been under curse

Israel and Sudan, why USA supports Israel

Is Obama the Antichrist?

Why Obama cannot be the final Antichrist

Trump president! and the new temple in Jerusalem!

Trump can save America from Marxism through the schools!

When is the right time to leave the US?



SCRIPTURES on true unity and personal relationship with Jesus!



Winds of war! Fulfilled prophecies in the present events

Big wars are coming, counsels for the brethren who are remaining in Europe and the USA



The women in silence and submitted? A Bible revelation


White throne judgment:

The 2 different judgments, of Christians and unbelievers, the 2 books


Why does God allow evil?

Four teenagers die in car-crash. Why does God allow it?


World news:

Israel and Sudan, why USA supports Israel

Khamenei, we annihilate Israel and then Islam will conquer the world

Manifestation in Rome about UNESCO resolution against the wailing wall

NATO at the door steps of Russia

Nigeria learn from Israel now how to deal with terrorism and other world news

Chemical Weapons, Iraq-Syria war, Miss Venezuela shot dead!

Prophetic world events; Increase of suicide - Greece, EU natio

1. Protests in Chile-What is happening behind the scenes!

2. Chile and South America, the end time prophecies!

3. The ending of the prophecies about Chile and South America!



The Peter Joseph and Fresco split, the future of Zeigeist


7 years covenant:

The 7 years covenant

Rise of the Antichrist, 7 years covenant, ENPI

The New World Order in the Bible

The ENPI, a prototype of the 7 years covenant

Russia and EU is getting closer into one block

Egypt, a key role for the 7 years of the Antichrist

ESM, the new EU financial dictatorship

The coming NWO in the Bible



Who are the 144000?

Why the 144000 are not the Israel of today?

World news prophetically explained, Iraqi Christians: 'We have been abandoned by the West'

Who are the 144.000, are they Jews or not